fourth dimension
- n.第四维(科学家和科幻小说作家用语,即时间);非常人的体验

The fourth dimension is time .
Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension .
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension .
The key to understanding the third dimension lies in the fourth dimension .
Involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time .
As we move into the Fourth Dimension , time is already compacting .
Einstein suggested time should be a fourth dimension .
One might conclude that the expansion of our three-dimensional space requires the presence of a fourth dimension .
The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct , though it is not impenetrable .
In chapter 5 , we introduced the fourth dimension ( pH dimension ) in the design of experiment according to this property .
It could also explain why the expansion of the universe is speeding up with the addition of a fourth dimension .
Many humans wish to ascend in a single lifetime and in the current embodiment to the fourth dimension .
But if we had access to higher dimensions , we could move our pants around our bodies through the fourth dimension
This is the null zone , and marks the shift from the third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension .
That man in so elusive that one might suspect him of being able to disappear into a fourth dimension .
On the third day , Mother Earth will fully enter the Photon Belt and the actual Shift to the Fourth Dimension will occur .
In order to enter the fourth dimension of thought-form , one must be70 % light and30 % density or dark .
These few humans then went on to ascend to the fourth dimension within the aurora where their descendants live unto this day .
A ghost is living on the fourth dimension ( soul world ), so his spirit guide will be located in the sixth dimension ( mental plane ) .
At this time , only the mountaintops in the most secluded regions , along with portions of the ocean even touch upon the fourth dimension .
For one thing , English has a fourth dimension – the shape of the heart – in the process of meaning shift , while in Chinese , it is not so evident .
The inside of this pocket connects to the fourth dimension and acts like a wormhole . It is usually shown attached to Doraemon 's abdomen .
Just as he progressed from producing works on canvas to include the third and fourth dimension , he has also come to reconsider the role his own presence should play in the work .
But the Sekai Camera app goes further to generate " a new , fourth dimension everybody has dreamed of , " says Takahito Iguchi the application 's creator .
As this occurs , the music in our fields goes from off key or sour to harmonious , and we ascend to the next level of threshold upward in vibration towards the fourth dimension .
It was just a brain & the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension , that banished the ether , that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time , that refused to believe God played dice .
To represent time factor explicitly as fourth dimension and satisfy 4D and real-time requirements , Based on the fundamental part , a Fuzzy-Timing Petri Nets formal modeling technique was employed to expand the fundamental part to describe dynamic state transition of all essential .
The fourth value dimension , masculinity , refers to the degree of traditionally " masculine " values assertiveness , materialism , and a lack of concern for others that prevail in a society .
For most humans , taking the form from cancer to ascension to the fourth or fifth dimension will not be possible .
It was as earth dropped from the fourth into the third dimension that the experience of hot and cold became prevalent for each species .